Ghost Blinking Guide: Definitions, Technique, Safety Concerns

What is Ghost blinking - definition

Definition: Ghost blinking is a phenomenon in which the eyes appear to be open and moving, but are not actually blinking. 

How is ghost blinking done?

The technique of ghost blinking is done by imagining you are blinking instead of actually blinking. The eyes purportedly don't blink, but twitch instead, making it look as if the ghost blinker is staring the whole time.  

is Ghost blinking useful?

Ghost blinking is an especially helpful visualization technique to win staring contests. Or if one must give an important speech to an audience, and does not want to blink repeatedly, making it seem they are nervous, he or she can use the ghost blinking technique to appear more confident.

Ghost blinking videos links

Is ghost blinking safe?

If you think about how many times the human blinks in a day, the average person blinks about 15-20 times per minute, which means that a person will blink approximately 14,400-19,200 times in a day. This is a rough estimate, as the exact number of times a person blinks in a day can vary depending on a number of factors, such as their age, overall health, and level of alertness. Blinking is an automatic reflex that helps to keep the eyes moist and comfortable, and it is an essential part of maintaining good eye health. Most people don't consciously control their blinking, and they may blink more or less frequently depending on their surroundings and the tasks they are performing.

In conclusion, it is necessary for humans to blink.